
Shadow Upgrade Program

The scope of the project was to deliver the support and sustainment of, and the capacity for capability upgrades too, the Shadow R1 Fleet. The Role of Shadow is through a combination of sensors adds a comprehensive intelligence gathering capability to the ISTAR Force. Its output is particularly valuable to ground commanders.

P3C conducted an initial study within the Concept Phase, conducted to consider a number of high-level potential support solutions before detailed concept work was undertaken. Options that were considered included maintaining the current EASA / CAA construct versus transition to MAOS / Mil Pt 145 under varying degrees of Whole Force Concept mix and prime contracting relationships.

P3C delivered the concept phase covering the following:

  • Agree the Contingent Ops ISS in-core requirement for Shadow R1.
  • Identify the future onboard air surveillance capabilities to be in service.
  • Development of a coherent plan for the integration onto the platform of any air surveillance capability upgrades; ensuring platform support contracts have the capacity to enable the integration of these upgrades.
  • Identify both air surveillance and platform obsolescence issues and establish an obsolescence action plan.
  • Develop the optimum in-service support solution.
  • Agree a plan formally to bring the Shadow R1 fleet into service, identifying any necessary safety or operational modifications as part of this process.
  • Agree a coherent plan of platform upgrades.
  • Develop the procurement strategy to meet the requirement.
  • Develop the Business Case.
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